Sunday, March 7, 2010

So, What Is The Purpose of The Train?

I have thought a great deal recently about the purpose of planes, trains, and automobiles. I would include in the mix light-rail, streetcars and buses. One comment recently published in a Salt Lake Tribune article regarding the proposed rail system states, "I think this is great option if you want to build up commerce" (SL Tribune, "Davis County streetcar proposal draws heat, March 3, 2010).

While that comment may be true, it might also not be true. I would encourage each of us to remember that first and foremost planes, trains, automobiles, streetcars, and buses are modes of transportation. They are the vehicles that move people. Those systems and everything associated with them ought to be designed to meet the needs of people to move about. The ESR states,
"The purpose of the proposed transportation investment is to increase mobility within south Davis County, provide transportation options to reduce dependency on the automobile, and connect to existing and future transportation services serving the rest of the region. The transportation investment would serve the demand for north-south travel, while also improving east-west connectivity. In addition, the proposed transportation project would increase the reliability of the transit service, especially during the weekday commute periods. Expansion of transportation mode choice would also create opportunities for the integration of transit-supportive land use plans that may result in increased transit use" (ESR, p. 1-3).

The question for each of us to decide seems to be, is this new rail system investment needed as a transportation system? Any benefit in land use and commerce are things that "may result." If something is a possibility, then it may happen or it might not.

Let's be certain that this proposed system can stand on it's own feet as a necessary transportation system for the people of South Davis County. As Mayor Russell stated last year in a letter to Centerville residents, "It would only make sense if the cost is reasonable, if transit will actually be used, and if the impacts on our community are minimal" (Undated letter, prior to the November 3, 2009 election). Read the study and you decide.

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