Thursday, November 12, 2009

Informative Websites

Here are a couple of websites that will provide useful information. At these sites, you can register to receive updates via email, download study information, and learn the facts about the proposals facing us.

Remember to be informed and be involved.

Welcome to Centerville Citizens Against Main Street Rail

This site is dedicated to information regarding the proposal to build a rail line on Centerville's Main Street. We will post news articles, transit study information, applicable website addresses, and specific information regarding upcoming meetings or open houses. We encourage you to be informed and be involved.

We do not believe that such a system is in the best interests of Centerville. Some questions that we have:
  • Our buses are currently under utilized, do we need a rail system?
  • If a rail system is necessary to meet our transportation needs, shouldn't it be located closer to our business area (Target, WalMart, new theaters, etc.) and near our already existing transportation corridor than on Main Street?
  • Can we as tax payers really afford a rail system with a cost of $500-600 Million for South Davis County?
  • UTA is cutting back significantly on certain Davis County routes. What exactly is the transportation issue that confronts Centerville?
I welcome your comments and discussion. Welcome and enjoy.