Apparently we are not following the plan! We're not doing it correctly!
From the "Wasatch Front Regional Transportation Plan 2007-2030," p. 140:
"South Davis Line (Centerville) – A regional level transit BRT II should be constructed from Parrish Lane in Centerville to the intersection of about 400 South and State Street in Salt Lake City. This service would provide a direct connection between the activity centers in much of southern Davis County with each other, with downtown Salt Lake City, and with the regional transit system which is focused upon downtown Salt Lake. The programmed
construction cost for this project is about $96 million in 2007 value dollars. Another $30 million in 2007 value dollars is anticipated to upgrade this project in the third phase. This project was in the 2030 LRP Update three years ago although the suggested alignment was modified in Centerville to run on Main Street rather than 200 West.
From the "Wasatch Front Regional Transportation Plan 2007-2030," p. 142:
"South Davis (Farmington) Line - A regional level transit enhanced bus line should be constructed from the north end of Lagoon Amusement Park to Parrish Lane. This would provide greater amenities to transit patrons traveling north within southern Davis County to downtown Farmington public services, to the Farmington FrontRunner Station, a proposed mixed-use development near that station, and to Lagoon Amusement Park. The programmed construction cost for this project is about $9 million in 2007 value dollars. The project was in the 2030 LRP Update three years ago as a BRT II and remains in the 2030 RTP as an Enhanced Bus."