I write to you in regards to your recent article mentioned above. I am a resident of Centerville and do not favor the construction of a rail line system on our Main Street. And, I believe that the majority of South Davis County residents feel the same way.
Your article states, "Some sort of transit system has been a dream of residents and elected officials for a number of years." Later in the article you state, quoting Mr. Carpenter from the UTA, "After studying the alternatives, the Utah Transit Authority has found streetcars to be the locally preferred alternative, according to UTA spokesperson Gerry Carpenter. 'The response has been positive. We’ve had very, very good support.”
I thought you might be interested in some facts regarding the so called "locally preferred alternative" and the "very, very good support" that Mr. Carpenter mentions.
The UTA held several workshops during this process. During Workshop #1 held on March 8, 2007 at Bountiful City Hall the attendees from Centerville totaled six; Bill Davies, Tami Fillmore, George Fisher, Sherri Lindstrom, Cory Snyder, and Steve Thacker. I might note, that Bountiful had five attendees, Farmington had five, North Salt Lake three, West Bountiful five, and Woods Cross three. As you look at the list of attendees, you see that the overwhelming majority of those attending are city officials (elected and career), members of planning commissions, etc. There was very little, if any, citizen involvement.
The UTA held Workshop #2 on May 16, 2007 at Bountiful City Hall. The attendees from Centerville totaled five; Tami Fillmore, Steve Thacker, Sherri Lindstrom, Phil Sessions, and Cory Snyder. Bountiful had four attendees, Farmington had three, North Salt Lake two, West Bountiful three, and Woods Cross three. As you look at the list of attendees, you see many who attended both sessions. Again, the overwhelming majority of those attending are city officials, members of planning commissions, etc. There was very little, if any, ordinary citizen involvement.
Workshop #3 was held on September 26, 2007 at the South Davis Recreation Center. The attendees from Centerville totaled five; Tami Fillmore, Ken Jones, Sherri Lindstrom, Phil Sessions, and Nancy Smith. Bountiful had nine attendees, Farmington had five, North Salt Lake four, West Bountiful four, and Woods Cross five. As you look at the list of attendees, you see many who attended all three sessions. Again, the overwhelming majority of those attending are city officials, members of planning commissions, etc. There very little, if any, ordinary citizen involvement.
After these workshops were completed, the UTA held an Open House for the public on November 8, 2007 at the South Davis Recreation Center. The Open House was held from 5:30 pm until 8:00 pm. There were sixty-one (61) people who registered. Thirty-three (33) people provided written comments as to their preference. The following shows the results:
- Enhanced Bus on Main Street - 9
- DMU on Commuter Rail Alignment - 7
- BRT on Main to Centerville with Branches - 6
- Rail on Main Street to Centerville - 12
- Rail on 400 West to Centerville - 1
In addition to the comment cards, participants were able to place dots on a board under the alternative they felt would be best. Seventy (70) dots were placed. Not sure how you get seventy (70) placed dots from sixty-one (61) attendees, but the results are as follows:
- Enhanced Bus on Main Street - 12
- DMU on Commuter Rail Alignment - 17.5
- BRT on Main to Centerville with Branches (400 West) - 5
- BRT on Main to Centerville with Branches (Main) - 5
- Rail on Main Street to Centerville - 23
- Rail on 400 West to Centerville - 7.5
The UTA interprets these comments and dots placed and concludes, that "Rail on Main Street to Centerville" is the locally preferred alternative. That option was selected thirty-five (35) times that evening. It is curious to note that bus options were selected thirty-seven (37) times that same evening. FrontRunner (DMU on Commuter Rail) actually was selected 24.5 times that evening, we have already built that option and it came in third. Perhaps some sort of bus option is actually the "locally preferred alternative" that we have been dreaming about.
Brent Hintze
Centerville Resident